Home of the Globally Conscious and Globally Competitive!!!
Home of the Globally Conscious and Globally Competitive!!!
Eagle Academy at Ocean Hill develops our young men to be critical thinkers and active citizens for life-long success through the embodiment of our 5 Eagle Pillars: Commitment to Excellence, Resilience, Confidence, Leadership, Effort.
An Eagle Scholar embodies humble confidence in all that he attempts. It is through his commitment to excellence that he strives to become better than he was the day prior. Knowing that there will be times when he falls, as mistakes are a part of life, his resilience allows him to get up and put forth a greater effort during his next attempt. He also realizes that he has the support and encouragement of his brothers, who provide him added strength to proceed forward. His most powerful tool is his mind, with it he learns from each experience and makes sound decisions, which determine his tomorrow. He makes no excuses, is accountable and accepts responsibility for his actions. As a young man, he is aware of the image he conveys and how he is perceived. Always respectful to others, he also commands it in return. He takes pride in his family, friends, community, and most of all-himself. Through his leadership, he blazes a trail for others to follow. I am an Eagle Scholar - Globally Conscious and Globally Competitive!
CONFIDENCE- An Eagle scholar is secure in his understanding of any task and believes that he can accomplish all parts of the task to achieve the intended goal. He is unafraid of making a mistake and respectfully speaks his mind when advocating for himself.
LEADERSHIP- An Eagle scholar is a committed, optimistic citizen, and capable of leading others in a given situation. He aggressively pursues challenging academic tasks and utilizes a high level of critical thinking skills to accomplish
the intended task. He works to maintain a productive and positive environment inside and outside the classroom. He is not easily swayed to go against his values.
EFFORT- An Eagle scholar is committed to striving for academic and social excellence. He does not let what he cannot do interfere with what he can do. He understands that the amount of work he exerts in a task will be reflect in his performance.
COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE- An Eagle scholar is prepared to make the necessary sacrifices in order to reach his goals. He believes excellence is not a singular act; it is a habit. He understands that excellence is constantly striving to do better in his academic and personal life.
RESILIENCE- An Eagle scholar has a high level of determination, flexibility, toughness, self- confidence, self- control, and self- responsibility. He understands that he will make mistakes, but he will reflect then construct a solution to move forward. He believes that every day is a chance to do better!